Large Pink Mixed Bouquet
Freshly cut mix of flowers which include: Delaqua Rose, Brunia Berries, Blue Silver Gum and Pink Lisianthus. Approximate dimensions are: 40cm wide X 35cm deep X 45cm high.
A small bouquet is also available as an alternative. All orders must be completed before 11PM Tuesday, 12th February 2013.
Delivery & Pickup
Delivery is only available within the Melbourne CBD, Carlton, Fitzroy, Collingwood, East Melbourne, and South Melbourne area. Flowers will be delivered to you or your special person between 10AM-4PM Thursday, 14th February 2013.
Pick-up from the Fitzroy area can also be arranged. To organise the pick-up of your flowers from the Fitzroy area, please select ‘Afghanistan’ as the Shipping Option when you checkout and the pick-up location will be emailed to you.
Payment Options
We accept Paypal and Direct Debit payments. To process payment with Paypal, please follow our checkout procedure. If you would like to pay by Direct Debit, please contact us and we will provide our bank details.
Terms and Conditions
No refund or exchange after purchase. Please allow for seasonal changes in availability.
Care Instructions
To ensure long lasting flowers, trim the end of the stems, place in fresh water, and change the water every 3 days.